Games and Camping: What Are You Playing?

My wife is a camping card and board game player in search of an opponent. No sooner is the RV hooked up and the awning out, than she’s suggesting we set up the cornhole board. Later, after dinner is cleaned up and the fire has burned low, she’s rattling off board or card games to pass the evening.

This is deeply ingrained in her camping DNA. Many of the same games we carry today – Sorry, Uno, Rummykub – are the same ones, I mean the same actual games, her family carried across Ontario, Canada, in their RV five decades ago. We added Yahtzee, a few decks of cards, and National Parks Monopoly.

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Tips, Tricks & Hacks From Our Latest Roadtrip

Four adults, one dog, and 1,500 miles over two weeks. With each trip – even the most successful, uneventful excursions – we learn something new. Stuff to pack, bring, buy along the way, or some hack we’ve always done or learned for the first time can make the difference between and good trip and an adventure with moments that make you enthuse, “what a cool hack. I have to remember that next time.”

So for next time, we discovered a few hacks, tips, “glad I had those” things. Of course, it’s the age of Coronavirus, so we had tubs of Clorox wipes, flushable wipes (more for a wipe down than sanitizing), a half-dozen dispensers of hand-sanitizer, individual masks – and a 10-pack of disposable masks from Harbor Freight in the glove box in case anyone needed. Below are just a smattering of things we brought, bought, or learned along the way…

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7 Steps to Curb Waste at Campsites and Music Festivals

Courtesy Pinterest

It’s a conundrum for campers of all stripes. We want to get back to the outdoors and feel at one with Mother Nature. But when we break camp, do we leave behind more than a molehill of trash. It can be no small mountain of shame. Whether camping to take in the outdoors or a music festival, how can we curb consumption and waste and leave the site better than we found it?

It goes beyond the old adage, “Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints.” That’s been a warm and endearing mantra for years. Contrary to what Mr. McGuire told Dustin Hoffman’s Ben in The Graduate, plastics suck – especially when roadtripping. A frightening / sickening / maddening National Geographic report from a few years back noted that mankind has generated 8.3 billion metric tons of plastics in about six decades since its widespread introduction.

OK, we suck and have made short work of screwing up our precious planet. But what do we all do to curb waste – be less of a problem? Try these seven tips – and share what you’re doing beyond these…

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On Your Own But Never ‘Alone’; Rollin’ Solo at Music Festivals, Camping

When I told my wife I would be traveling solo and camping alone at the Suwannee Roots Revival Music Festival in Live Oak, Fla., more than 350 miles and a six-hour tow from home, she wondered why I’d go alone. Wouldn’t the solitude and seclusion be unsettling? No one to talk to or hang with or enjoy the music beside? Wouldn’t I be… Lonely?

Nay, m’lady. To the contrary, “I know people.” And a few trolls who dwell in Spirit Lake.

So imagine the coincidence when this meme came across my Facebook feed days later: “Instead of naked and afraid, i want to see a reality show of someone being dropped off at a music festival for four days, one pack of smokes, phone but no charger, tent, $20, no map, no friends and watch them navigate, barter and befriend.”

I had to repost – and comment: “Just got back from rollin’ solo to #SuwanneeRootsRevival. But I was never ‘alone.’”

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RV and Music Festival Footwear: Be good to your dogs


Fashion before practicality?

We can’t stress enough how important cool, comfortable footwear is. While we all want something aesthetically pleasing, durable, and not too expensive, nothing will slow down your groove more than sore, blistered feet caused by stiff, uncomfortable shoes.

Fests tend to be dirty and dusty (anyone who attended Lockn’ 2016 knows that story).  If you throw some rain into the mix (Lockn’ 2015, anyone?), the mess and fun get real!

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