Camping, RVing, and Music Festivals From a Shorty’s Perspective

This is a guest blog from regular contributor Zoe Zbar. To read this and her other work,  click here
Writer Zoe and dad hang with some Wanee creatures

The “boom” of the bass blares over the entire park. Walking up to the stage, I’m full of hype, ready to dance until I can’t feel my feet anymore. It’s the final show on the Peach Stage of Wanee Music Festival – a full-on camping music festival.

Warming up is Widespread Panic, a Georgia-based jam band known for sending their fans into a frenzy. The entire population of campers, hippies, and music lovers are dance-skipping to the same place. I finally wade into the crowd, a few feet from the rail when I realize the only view I’m getting of Widespread Panic is the cartoons of lead singer John Bell on the backs of spectators’ WSMFP shirts.
Even with the best intentions and the most determination, I’m still only 5’1″ at a music festival.

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